Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Integrated Internet Infrastructure for Website owners

When a keyword seems to have a reasonable number of links in a search results page, and that keyword meets my keyword requirement, Then I purchase the domain and have it hosted. You may think that a bit crazy, but owning a key, keyword that is searched for, can provide a number of good quality links.

I registered today the domain www.integrated-internet-infrastructure.com or Triple i, as this is exactly what I do do for owners of business websites.


Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Drachsi Brand

When searching for information please look for the Drachsi brand symbol.

Monday, 21 November 2011

Found on a website, business website "Terms and Conditions".

Hope your "Terms and Conditions" are not like these that I found on a website.

"Your terms and conditions of use
Rule 1
Here is the rule 1 content
Rule 2
Here is the rule 2 content
Rule 3
Here is the rule 3 content"

More information at Website Mystery Shopper.


Sunday, 13 November 2011

Website has been down for 2 days due to the hosting company

Sorry for any inconvenience whilst www.drachsi.com was down, the situation was beyond my control.


Saturday, 12 November 2011

A new Search Engine worth considering is blekko

There are the major search engines which sometimes supply either too much information or it is not what you are seeking. I have setup my area on the new Blekko website. If you have the time this is for all webmasters. To see my Drachsi listing on Blekko just click.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Promote yourself with WebberID

We all know that times are hard and that the work place is no longer certain. Time to promote yourself using the new European based WebberID. I have joined and find it is an excellent idea and solution which will appeal to most professionals.
